[Narrative Essay]A couple of little feet was catering on grassy land which was wet by the morning dew; happily. His brown eyes as bright as eagle, stared, looking at the blue sky. His black straight hair was shiny, poured by the morning sun together with the wind, vied showing their Lord beautifulness. His feet was weak, he sat tired. The owner of those little feet was taking a rest now; wiping the sweat which streamed down through his firm brow passing his reddish cheeks which puffed-up beautifully, until reaching his white neck as white as cotton. A cheerful laugh came from his cute and pure lips while continuing to run…run…and only run comes to his head. His run was getting faster, even too fast for a little boy in the age of five. He must be an active child, I guess! But wait, remote from his position stood an old woman faced him horizontally. That woman smiles very sweet to him; from her strong eye-lines I could see a large stock of love spread out inside her feeling. Who was she? Was she a relative of that little boy? Or may that handsome little boy was a precious person for her?
Honestly, I could not explain it! One thing that I was sure that the distance between the little boy and the old woman was getting closer, ten steps rest, yup, 5 steps more and he was able to make a super high jumping toward that old woman until….
“Maaaaaaaa!!!!he called.
“Mama?? Don’t you wish a soft kiss from the most handsome boy who can easily crush every woman’s heart??” The man whispered on his wife’s ear while stroking her hair who was lying on the bed, tired.
“Uhmm,..Dad??” the woman turned her back on and faced the old man who had taken a seat beside her. A warm kiss stuck on her lips which still looked fabulous in her age.
The man smiles and said, “Tell me sweet heart, who was the great person that was able to make you lying on the bed for a long time?”
“Really? What time is it now?” the woman was shock; reflectively, she tried to reach an alarm clock on the desk beside her bed and checked the time.
“No way!!” she mumbled inside.
“Yes, my dear, you wake lately today. Now tell me what you have done in your dream till you stayed so long there??” the man added.
“It was the same. Dream that I always wish to be true. Dream that make me hate this world and don’t wanna wake up anymore!!” the old woman seemed very painful. There were no happiness sprang out from her beautiful face, too beautiful for a woman in age half of a century. Her face was clean though there were some wrinkles on her brow. Her eyes were black, big, and sharp. She had a thick and firm eyebrow, signed a strong and confident woman. Her skin was white; as white as the other Ireland women. But somehow, she was different too. Her hair was black, long and wavy, looked very gorgeous. Gabrielle was born in a family of two different races. Her Dad was a native, an Ireland man and her Mom came from another country in Asia; Indonesia. Gabrielle inherited all the beautifulness of Ireland people and became unique by imitating her Mom’s black long hair. A young Gabrielle grew as beautiful girl, very beautiful. Many men adored her beauty, even the son of Ireland minister ever proposed her to be his wife. There must be a lucky person who was able to live with her for all of his life.
That man was in silent now, no brevity to utter any words, nothing. One thing he could do just looking at his wife deeply; until feeling of guilty haunted him very much. He lost his mind, flew with his fantasy penetrated the room which was full of luxurious goods, a box of expensive perfumes, golden accessories, and other sophisticated tools; naturally as what the nobility people had. He finished his journey in a small room which was dark, ordinary, and not maintained-well; there was only a golden goblet in a tiny glass box above the cupboard as the most expensive goods in this room as I observed. Contradictive! I think. Few minutes later, this small room had been full of lights which came from fireplace on the left corner of the room. The old man drastically changed his appearance to be a young and handsome man. He had well-built and brawny body. His brown eyes were shining caused by the fire near him. Without being noticed, there had already stood a young and pretty woman in the room. She must be Gabrielle. Gabrielle wore a long plain white dress. Her belly was strange. It was too big for her skinny shape. “I don’t wanna guess!” But, indeed she was pregnant. She was pregnant for a little baby boy for eight months. Pelle, the handsome man, struck his wife’s belly softly while whispering any words for an angel in it.
“Come on my son! Lets taking a walk, do you like going out together?” Pelle asked.
There was a respond from the belly. It reacted as if the angel heard and understood what was talking about.
Today was Friday. Regularly, every Friday Pelle and Gabrielle went to the maternity hospital for checking up Gabrielle’s womb. After preparing all the things and covered the Mom with warm blanket, Pelle went outside and started the engine. After all the needs had been finished, these couple ready to go to the hospital. The hospital was placed few kilometers from their home, it might take 20 minutes to reach the place. Along the trip, they looked very happy. Waiting the attendance of first son was the happiest event for a married-couple. Pelle turned on the tape-recorded and sang loudly. In other hand, Gabrielle looked very weak lying on the seat. It was rationale. A pregnant woman would spend more calories and energy than other ordinary mothers. Pelle was still singing when they arrived at the bend of the road; he even added some movement of his right hands. There was only his left hand to handle the steer. And, the most unexpected moment happened. Pelle who did not notice there was a car from opposite way moving very fast, got shock. He crank-up the steer to another direction avoiding the car. Gabrielle who was asleep, woke up hearing a hard sounds of the car. But, poor them. Pelle turned to the wrong direction, that was public cemetery for Cessu community, Ireland. The car hit the fence of the cemetery, went forward to the big bayan tree in the middle of it. Pelle could not handle the steer, it was broken. They hit the tree and everything became blur.
The car finally stopped. Its windows were smashed to pieces, front part of the car shattered, Pelle and Gabrielle was unconscious. The situation at that moment was panic. Other people who saw the accident immediately helped and brought them to the nearest hospital. Police came and arrested the driver of the car who Pelle and Gabrielle collided with. In the hospital, Pelle and Gabrielle were placed in Emergency room to get their first aid. Few hours later, doctor informed both of them were safe. Pelle was injured at the back of his head, but that was only light injury. However, Gabrielle who moved her body forward when the accident occurred was seriously injured. She was unconscious for more than a week. And the day when she was able to wake up was her actually her death-day. Her dream was gone.
“Noooooooooooooo!!!!” she screamed.
When we lost the best of the less, the big may mean nothing than just a dream; that was what Gabrielle felt on that time.
Take this kiss upon the brow,
And in parting from you now,
Thus let me avow,
That my days have been a dream,
Yet, if hope has flown away,
In a night or in a day,
In a vision or in a none,
All that we see or seem ,
Is but a dream within a dream.
By: Edgar Allan Poe
“Aaarrgggghhh….this is my fault, only my fault!!” cursed Pelle. He had already back to his consciousness; in the room of light and beauty.
“Dad?? What did you say just now?” asked Gabrielle who was surprised saw her husband screamed loudly.
“This is my fault, my stupidity!!! I make you tortured every single day, let you bear the hardest burden for the entire of your life. Make you become a woman who has never tasted the pleasant feeling to be a mother, as a woman who only able to experience the love without resulting the love itself; nothing. Because you lost your uterus, your womb!! It won’t be back, never!!” Pelle tortured in deep wound, he cursed himself again.
Pelle gripped Gabrielle’s hands very tight while kneeling he said,
“Why do you still want living with me, someone who have stolen your dream, my Dear?? You are pretty, too pretty even for a woman in your age. It will be easy for you to find another man who is better than me. I am idiot, damned, I just your night mare, an evil who destroys your future. Because of that stupid accident!!” asked Pelle seriously.
“I…I..I…” Pelle could not stop tears streamed down from his eyes.
“I LOVE YOU!” answered Gabrielle in patient.
“I love you with all of your goodness and weaknesses. Loving you for every action you may do or have to do. I love a man who makes me feel as Princess in the morning and Queen when the night comes. You have paid your debt by working very hard day and night, fulfill everything that I ask, that’s enough. Even you never spend a little time for yourself, honey.” said Gabrielle while crying.
“It’s not me who looks young, honey, but you…!” She stopped.
“You are busy with all of your guilty till ignoring yourself. Busy to serve me well, and never take a time for serving your own desires. It should be me to ask an apology to you. Become too spoiled due to all of your great treatments. Thank you for everything you give to me, honey. Thank you so much.” Gabrielle stroked her husband’s face, kissed him softly.
“Don’t you feel hurt?? You have dreamed him for many times, many circumstances, day and night. asked Pelle again.
“No!!” answered Gabrielle sure.
“Honey, that was long ago. I’ve forgotten that accident and feel no more sores. If I dream him for several times, it’s just my high imagination. I imagine what he will look like if he is born. Answered Gabrielle, lied.
“I dream he will be like you, handsome and active, and of course smart or smarter than you. His brown eyes and his tender hands just like you.” Gabrielle added.
“But, he also will have my black hair and my sweet lips”, said Gabrielle enthusiastically.
Pelle realized that Gabrielle lied to him. One thing that she never did before. He could see her happiness when telling her beloved-imaginative-son. A little boy that they wished since years ago. A child who was only able to decorate their imaginative-life, their dream.
“It’s too late. I must wake up now. I’m sure you haven’t eaten your breakfast yet because you won’t eat anything before drinking my coffee-made.” said Gabrielle that woke Pelle up.
“Hurry up, honey! Let’s go down stairs and eat! I don’t want to hear you’re absent today. You must go to work, I’ll be Ok.” said Gabrielle with a nice smile.
Reluctantly, Pelle went down stairs followed his wife who stood in front of him. Pelle looked at her carefully from the back-side. Poor her! That phrase surrounded his thought.
Arriving in the dining room, Gabrielle immediately asked her husband to take a seat while she was making the coffee. Suddenly, there was a bell heard from the door.
“Ding..dong..” bell rang.
Pelle and Gabrielle did not hear the bell.
“Ding…dong..” the third bell was heard by Pelle.
“Yes, who is that? Wait a moment, please!”
He went out and opened the door. Pelle was shock, speechless, his thought was mixing, his past memory, his wife’s dreams, all that things mixed in his head now. In front of the door, stood a little boy who was perfectly the same with what he and his wife imagined; the same without any exceptions. His lips, brown eyes, chubby cheeks, small hands, his small feet, everything.
“Awesome!” murmured Pelle inside.
He said nothing until the little boy began to speak.
“Excuse me, are you uncle Pelle? I’m Gosha, son of mama Eliza the sister of aunt Gabrielle. Mama could not accompany me because she and dad went abroad early in the morning. Mom told me that uncle Pelle and Aunt Gabrielle were kind persons. So, Gosha try to be brave telling Mom and Dad’s messages directly to you.” He said innocently.
Felt unsure Pelle asked hesitantly, “What were the messages Gosha?”
“Mom and Dad plan to go overseas for two months. Mom told next month Gosha must be enrolled in kindergarten. So, Mom and Dad decided to entrust me to both uncle Pelle and aunt Gabrielle. Can I?” asked Gosha fatefully.
“Yes…always yes!! Even if you ask me to be your parents and fulfill all of your needs I want; Undoubtfully!” shouted Pelle inside.
“Of course my son. Me and aunt Gabrielle are very glad having you here.” answered Pelle.
“Come in! aunt Gabrielle have….”
“Before uncle Pelle finished his speech Gosha, the active boy had entered the house. He catered surrounding the rooms in base-floor. He stopped his step at dining room. He saw a woman was busy preparing food there. He suddenly run toward her and hug her tight.
“Mama!” Gosha said. (“Mama” was the term that he used to call a woman that close to him).
Gabrielle turned her face back curious with the person who hug her very tight. Gabrielle kept silent, her eyes glistened with tears. Gabrielle took a turn hugging Gosha tighter. She did not care who was he, where did he come from, why he was in her house. The thing that she knew only hugging her beloved son as long as possible, a little boy who came regularly in each of her dream was in her house now, real and perfectly the same. She thank so much to the Lord who gave her the most beautiful present at this precious moment, Christmas eve.
Pelle who saw this event only smile noticing how his wife happily hug and kissed Gosha. He knew that was the one and only gift she wanted for the entire of her life.
“Thanks God for your blessing. Your way to treat us was so unique. You send Eliza as your mediator and perfectly the same little boy as the gift. I just realize that you never ignore us, you just waiting the best moment to send your present. Thanks God, thank you so much from the deepest of my heart.” prayed Pelle.
Natal in that morning was the most beautiful natal ever! Especially for Pelle and Gabrielle. Eventhough, they must lose Gosha two months later, at least along two months they had experienced to be a real Mom and Dad. Only one thing they learnt, God’s blessings are not packaged as we expected. Never miss your blessing.
Thanks God.
Narrative Text
Definition : A story describing a sequence of situation and character, stated in term of text. A narrative is concrete, in the sense that it creates a fictional or factual world of character or event according to a timeline.
Social Function : To amuse, entertain and deal with actual experience in different ways. Narrative deals with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind which is turn find the resolution.
Types of Narrative : There are many types of narrative. They can be imaginary, factual or a combination of both. They may include fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience.
Generic Structure
1. Orientation : Sets the scene and introduce the participant.
2. Evaluation : A steeping back to evaluate the plight.
3. Complication : A crisis arises
4. Resolution : The crisis is resolved for better or for worse.
5. Reorientation : Optional (can be stated explicitly but can be also explained implicitly).
Language Features
• Action verbs: Action verbs provide interest to the writing.
• Written in the first person (I, we) or the third person (he, she and they).
• Usually past tense.
• Using thinking verbs (mental process)
• Using time conjunctions
• Using connectives
• Using material process
philips norelco 5800
4 tahun yang lalu
I like the story. Can i write as good as you if I follow the steps?
I understand now that narrative is tell a story chronologically. thank for the new information
Should a short story imaginative??
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